I stopped maintaining this project. If anybody is willing to take it over, please send an email to icnelis@* (where * = gmail.com). C++ programming skills and knowledge of libpcap and networking in general are required.
Libpcap++ is a C++ wrapper for libpcap (the packet capture library), which provides a high level interface to packet capture systems.
Download the latest stable version from SourceForge:
The latest development snapshot is available from a Subversion repository, running the following command:
svn co https://libpcappp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/libpcappp libpcap++
Or it can be browsed using a web interface.
--> HTML reference documentation
--> ChangeLog
--> libpcap++ @ freshmeat
Please send comments to David Rosal: shin@* (where * = tinet.cat)